We do our best to ensure a pleasant and peaceful stay for our Guests, that’s why we pay close attention to every detail. Room service is available round-the-clock. Smoking is not allowed in the rooms (100% of the rooms are non-smoking) and the hotel premises. By booking a room in our Hotel, a guest automatically agrees with the Hotel rules and regulations.
Fregat featuring a smart and minimalistic design is a perfect place for small gatherings, round-table meetings or brainstorming. The two rooms can easily fit the business part of the event, as well as coffee break. Space can be divided into sections if needed and is perfect for hosting business and educational meetings up to 40 participants.
Facilities*: large on-wall projection screen, whiteboard, office chairs, office table, air conditioner, flipchart, different set-up styles available.
*Complimentary facilities are not included into the rent price.